iFree Studio Limited ئاپەکان

三国英雄传 1.3.5
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游运营与开发商倾力打造 ★★★★《三国英雄传》是一款由慕和网络耗时两年精心打造的三国题材SLG类型手游巨作,游戏支持多人同时在线,集互动交友、英雄培养、战争策略等流行元素于一身。其画面唯美、剧情紧凑、玩法多样,让初入三国的玩家欲罢不能流连忘返。☆☆☆☆ 游戏特色 ☆☆☆☆【画面好,系统精】著名画师完美阐释东汉末年的真实场景,而单人战役、多人副本等经典系统让你流连忘返。【操作易,门槛低】游戏设计考虑到安卓用户习惯,操作简单,上手容易,即使是菜鸟玩家也可跟着教程入门。【男将威,女将美】魏蜀吴及他国全面覆盖,千名史实武将纷纷登场,并可将孙尚香、大小乔等美女招入麾下。【兵种多,策略高】独具三国风采的兵种,特色鲜明且相互克制,结合科技、结盟等内容催生最策略战斗体系。【人气高,P K 爽】畅销多国成功积累了数万人气,玩家间PK战争所获取的功勋点数还可兑换本阵营极品武将。
Magic Realms - Fantasy RPG 1.8.2
iFree Studio Limited
Magic Realms is a free-to-play TCG Strategicbattle game. With over 200 cards and runes to choose from, assembleyour deck and put it to the ultimate test.Play against your friends and challenge random players to hold theprestige of having the most powerful deck ever created."More strategic than most TCG I have played" (Bruce,California)"Remind me of Magic the Gathering, better than Rage of Bahamut"(Thierry, France)5/5 “…I have never found another tcg or tcg-esque game that Iwould play and I swear I'm addicted.”5/5 “Very fun to play and highly addictive. One of the best cardgame apps I've ever played"Enchant Monsters and Runes to unlock their full potentials. Jointhe Northern Alliance and fight against the Scarlet Nation torestore peace to the Magic Realms! PLAY NOW!Features-More than 200 different cards to choose from!Build the best deck you can to beat over 250 unique challenges!-Over 80 stages to beat!Leave your mark across the four kingdoms and even unlock bonuslevels and dungeons!-Enchant monsters and runes for a stronger deck!Boost the health and attack attributes of your cards and unlock newabilities to turn the tide of battle!-Daily login rewards!Get free gold and gems just for logging in! Keep it up, and get asuper rare card!-Ranked matches to see where you stand against the top playersacross the globe!Put your deck to test! Improve your deck to reach the top!-Battle replays!See how other players have beaten the toughest challenges and studytheir deck build!-Draft battle PVP!Advance through challenges with random deck of cards! Feelinglucky?-A game constantly updating with new features and newcards!Magic Realms continues to grow! Will you be a part of theaction?
Легенды Четырех Империй
iFree Studio Limited
ККИ ММОРПГ игра которая покорила весь запад,теперь доступна и на русском языке! Атмосфера игры не оставитравнодушным даже взрослого любителя игр.Вот что говорит большая тематическая площадка Gamezebo:"Gorgeous illustrations. Plenty of addictive card collectingfun."(Великолепная рисовка. Множество карт затягивают и приносят многоудовольствия)Хотите повелевать страшными существами, управлять тайной магией,пользоваться старинными рунами? Тогда, совершено бесплатно,скачивайте Легенды Четырех Империй и у Вас будет не только это, нои еще многое другое!Присоединяйтесь к тысячам игрокам, создавайте самые сильныекланы, участвуйте в великих битвах кланов и захватывайте новыеземли! Вместе с друзьями и другими игроками отбивайте вторжениядемонов, исследуйте темные лабиринты и ловите воров!Не любите состоять в кланах? Пробивайте свой путь к славесражаясь на арене! Станьте самым непобедимым игроком в игре!И все это вы сможете испытать в игре: Легенды ЧетырехИмперий!*****Внимание!******Игра требует интернет подключение!Наша страничка:http://vk.com/legendi_imperiiCCT MMORPG game thatconquered the West, and is now available in Russian! Atmosphere ofthe game will not leave indifferent even adult amateur games.Here is what the big thematic area Gamezebo:"Gorgeous illustrations. Plenty of addictive card collectingfun."(Gorgeous panache. Tighten Many cards and bring a lot of fun)Want to rule the scary creatures, manage arcane, ancient runesto use? Then, done for free, download Legend of the Four Empiresand you'll not only that, but also much more!Join thousands of players, create the most powerful clans,participate in the great battles of the clans and seize new lands!Together with friends and other players repel invasion of demons,explore the dark mazes and catch the thieves!Do not like clans consist? Knock your way to fame by fighting inthe arena! Become the most invincible player in the game!And all this you will experience in the game: The Legends of theFour Empires!Attention *****! ******The game requires internet connection!Our Page:http://vk.com/legendi_imperii
Emross War 繁體中文 1.4.1
iFree Studio Limited
Android 上的大型多人在線角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)限時優惠:現在下載即可得到高級禮物遊戲故事發生在埃莫羅斯這片神秘與傳奇的大陸;自從上古時期,人類,精靈與獸人就征戰在這片大陸上。現在由於混亂軍團的入侵,情形變得更為複雜。。。你將以一位年輕君主身份, 因繼承了家族城堡而加入戰鬥。你將逐漸發展壯大,一步步走向勝利的里程碑!你將擁有機會遇見并招募到傳奇式的英雄, 并最終可以召喚到自己種族特有的終極守衛生物。,並且,你不會孤軍奮戰在這片大陸。你可以認識到很多友好的玩家并結成強大的聯盟;因此成為埃莫羅斯大陸獨佔一方的強大領主!最終你將戰勝混亂軍團,使這片大陸再度輝煌!,遊戲特色:- 精心設計的新手引導系統,只需3分鐘就能上手,而且非常好玩!- 眾多挑戰性的遊戲任務。- 精美遊戲畫面。- 免費更新新的任務,物品道具,英雄及更多!- 在線挑戰其他玩家。- 3個種族:人類,精靈,獸人。每個種族具有各自不同的士兵,防守生物及英雄。- 建築,科技,訓練軍隊,攻擊,防禦都在你的掌控之中!- 與其他玩家結盟使你更強!- 私聊,聯盟聊天,公共聊天使你不會感到孤單。...還有其它更多!“非常好的遊戲!如果你喜歡帝國建造遊戲或者你是ogame/travian/evony的粉絲,你會愛上EmrossWar”“當我看到遊戲截圖時,我就知道這是適合我口味的好遊戲。不過現在我可以說這個遊戲超過了我的期望。”“如果你錯過這個遊戲你會遺憾!”Android onthe massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)Limited Time Offer: Download Now you can get the senior giftThe game takes place in Emmonak Ross this mysterious andlegendary continent; Since ancient times, humans, elves and orcsfought in this continent. Now the invasion of Chaos Army, thesituation becomes more complicated. . .You will be a young Lord inheriting a small castle from your familyto join the battle. You will gradually develop and grow, a steptoward victory milestone! You will have the opportunity to meet andrecruit legendary heroes, and be able to summon your own raceultimate guardian creature. ,And, you will not be alone on this continent. You can recognize alot of friendly players and formed strong alliances; thus becomeexclusive party Emauhee Roth continent powerful lord! Chaos Legioneventually you will prevail, so that the continent once againbrilliant!,Game Features:- Well designed guidance system, only 3 minutes to learn, and isextremely fun!- Numerous challenging quests.- Beautiful game screen.- FREE updates with new quests, items, heroes, and more!- Challenge other players online.- Three races: humans, elves, orcs. Each race has its own differentsoldiers, guardian creatures, and heroes.- Construction, technology, training troops, attack, defense all inyour fingertips!- Ally with other players to make you stronger!- Private chat, alliance chat, public chat so you will not feellonely.... There are other more!"Very good game! If you like empire building game, or you areogame / travian / evony fans, you will love Emross War""When I looked at the screenshots, I knew it was a good game for mytaste, but now I can say that this game exceeded myexpectations.""If you miss this game you will regret!"
손바닥 삼국지2 1.0.7
iFree Studio Limited
손바닥삼국지II황건적,동탁세력 등 삼국지 영웅들이 다 모였다!이제야 자신만의 스타일로 삼국지를 즐길 수 있는 기회!자신만의 세력으로 전쟁하는 최대 전략 시뮬레이션 손바닥삼국지II■ 배경스토리한왕조 말기 황건적과 동탁세력으로 인하여 한왕조가 어지러워 졌고 반동탁 세력을 토벌하고자 유비 삼형제는 원소를중심으로 18로 제후들의 연맹군에 가담하게 되는데...■ 게임특색★매주 열리는 공성전에 참가하라!실제 전장을 방불케 하는 천명의 유저 동시전투 현장으로 여러분을 초대합니다!★ 이런 영웅도 있을줄이야해보고 싶었지만 볼 수 없었던 영웅! 무심코 지나쳤던 영웅! 황건적세력. 남만병 등 삼국지 인물들이 여기한자리에!!★ 기존의 삼국지게임은 잊어라!조조.유비.손권 자신이 주공이 되어 이끌어 가는 전략SNG 스타일!PalmsThree Kingdoms IIHwanggeonjeok, dongtak forces are gathered, such as the ThreeKingdoms heroes!Now with your own style and the opportunity to enjoy the ThreeKingdoms!Own up to the war, the forces of the Three Kingdoms II StrategySimulation palm■ Background StoryHanwang hwanggeonjeok and dongtak forces due to the late Joe Joehanwang was dizzy half brothers analogy to Subjugation dongtakforces led by the elements in 18 groups participated in the Leagueof princes, which it ...■ Game features★ Make participated in the siege weekly!Resembling the real battlefields of thousands of concurrent usersyou invite to the scene of the battle!★ It's gonna be such a hero.I wanted to try unseen hero! Or unintentionally struck hero!Hwanggeonjeok forces. Kingdoms figures such as South bottles herein one place!★ Forget the traditional Three Kingdoms game!JoJo. Analogy. Been Jugong Sun Quan to lead his strategic SNGstyle!
Lies Of Astaroth 1.8.0
iFree Studio Limited
Top 5 card game in more than 50 countries!Lies of Astaroth (LoA) is a free-to-play and highly addictiveepic fantasy MMORPG card-battle hybrid! With its simple yet deepbattle design, the game has long been championed as the combinationof best of both worlds, satisfying both hardcore card game fans forstrategy depth and causal players for fantasy RPG gameplay."Lies of Astaroth made me a firm believer in the potential ofcard-based adventure games" - Gamezebo"If you love card battle games, this iOS CCG is a must-trytitle" - Tapscape"Definitive example of free to play done right" - The MikiShowFEATURES1. Stunning Graphics and over 400 collectable beautifully drawncards, collect, upgrade and evolve your card with additionalskill.2. Rich and Engrossing Storyline, follow our hero (or heroine) andMaddisy to an epic adventure of more than 100 stages with humor andsuspense!3. Fluid & deep battle mechanics, with the combination ofdifferent cards, runes faction and skills, every battle will beunique and satisfying!4. Rich Features to keep you occupied for months, including*** (Newly added) King of Kings - A competition with randomlygenerated rule, can you outwit your opponents?*** (Newly added) Land Scramble - A clash of 2 faction that shakesthe world of LOA, prove your worth by slaying more foes andbringing more points to your faction!*** (Newly added) Wall of Honor - give props to top players in yourserver and get rewarded!*** PVP Arena - Challenge other players to reach the top*** Clan Match - Battle with clan mates to becomes the strongestclan in your server*** Dungeon - dig deep in the Dungeon and face with some of thehardest level in the game*** Demon Invasion - fight with other players in your server todefeat the ultra-strong bosses*** Chop Shop - Collect items in Maze and exchange them tospectacular prizes*** Month Card - Best valued item. Receive 50 crystal reward fordaily reward in a month (30 days) as well as time saving featurefor Auto Maze and Auto Defend*** Card Compose - Every little makes a mickle, use card scraps anduniversal scraps to compose cards that you desireAnd much much more!5. Reward System for active players, including 20 day log-in card,level bonus, event reward and frequent free goodies!Lies of Astaroth is a growing experience with new content addedfrequently, including new cards, new stages, new feature and newrewards! Remember to check back regularly to see what's new!Connect with other players on Facebook: -http://www.facebook.com/LiesOfAstarothFansPageThank you for playing!
Emross War - Deutsche 1.5.2
iFree Studio Limited
ONLINE Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Spiel fürsAndroid!BEFRISTETES ANGEBOT: JETZT UNTERLADEN UND ANMELDEN - ALLE NEUESPIELER WERDEN EIN GESCHENK ERHALTEN"Das beste MMORG Spiel ich bisher gespielt habe und zusammen mitmeinen Freunden spiele ich jetzt." -JoeyCho"Ich liebe es! Ich komme in Spiele wie das nicht gewöhnlich,aber aus irgendeinem Grund erregt dieses wirklich meineAufmerksamkeit." -Razie2Emross War ist ein gratis massively-multiplayer strategy game(mmo). Es nimmt nur 3 Minuten, um zu erfahren, und ist äußerstlustig!Die Geschichte geschieht in Emross, dem Land des Mythos und derLegende, das unter Kriegen unter dem Menschen, Elfen, und Orkenseit der sehr alten Zeit gewesen ist. Jetzt mit der Invasion derDevilarmee sind die Situationen noch kompliziertergeworden...Du wirst als ein junger Lord anfangen, der ein kleines Schloss vonseiner Familie erbt. Wo du dich allmählich entwickelst und deinenWeg zum Sieg marschierst, wirst du Chance haben, viele verschiedenelegendäre Helden zu treffen und zu rekrutieren, und im Stande zusein, das mächtigste Wächter-Wesen deiner eigenen Rasseaufzufordern!Und du kämpfst allein NICHT. Du und deine Freunde könnt eine sehrmächtige Allianz bauen; mache es eine dominierende Anwesenheit inEmross; und vereitle schließlich die Verwirrung und stelle Ordnungzum Land wieder her!SPIELEIGENSCHAFTEN:- Gut bestimmtes Leitungssystem: Es nimmt nur 3 Minuten, um zuerfahren, und ist äußerst lustig!- Führe zahlreiche anspruchsvolle Quests durch.- Traumhafte Grafik zu genießen.- KOSTENLOSE UPDATES mit neuen Quests, Sachen, Helden, undmehr!- Kämpfe mit anderen Spielern LIVE.- Aus 3 Rassen wählen —MENSCH, ELF, ORK— jede hat ihre eigenenSoldaten, Wächter-Wesen, und Helden.- Konstruktion, Forschung, Truppe Trainieren, Attackieren, undVerteidigungsstrategie sind komplet unter deiner Kontrolle!- Verbünde mit anderen Spielern, um dich stärker zu machen!- Du wirst nie dich einsam fühlen: Privater Chat, Allianz Chat,Welt Chat, Forums...volle Interaktion und Kommunikation!...und viel MEHR!"Ausgezeichnetes Spiel! Wenn du Reich-Bauen-Spiel magst, oder duAnhänger von ogame/travian/evony auf dem PC bist, denke ich, dassdu sicher das genießen wirst.""Als ich auf die Screenshots schaute, wusste ich, dass es eingutes Spiel für meinen Geschmack sein würde. Aber jetzt werde ichsagen, dass dieses Spiel völlig meine Erwartung überschreitet!""Ein großes Spiel, das du bedauern wirst zu verpassen!"ONLINEMassively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) game for Android!LIMITED TIME OFFER: DOWNLOAD NOW AND SIGN - ALL NEW PLAYERS WILLRECEIVE A GIFT"The best MMORG game I have ever played and I play with myfriends now." -JoeyCho"I love it, I'm not usually into games like this, but for somereason this really caught my attention." -Razie2Emross War is a free massively-multiplayer strategy game (mmo).It takes only 3 minutes to learn, and is extremely fun!The story happens in Emross, the land of Myth and Legend, whichhas been under wars among the humans, elves, and orcs since veryancient time. Now with the invasion of the Devil Army thesituations are becoming even more complex ...You will start as a young Lord, who inherits a small castle fromyour family. Where you gradually develop yourself and will marchyour way to victory, you will have chance to meet many differentlegend heroes, and to recruit, and to be able to ask the mostpowerful guardian creature of your own race!And you are NOT fighting alone. You and your friends can build avery powerful alliance; doing it a dominant presence in Emross, andfinally thwarting the confusion and put order to the land hereagain!GAME FEATURES:- Good particular line system: it takes only 3 minutes to learn,and is extremely fun!- Perform numerous challenging quests.- To enjoy gorgeous graphics.- FREE updates with new quests, items, heroes, and more!- Battle other players LIVE.- Choose from 3 races-HUMAN, ELF, ORC-each with different soldiers,guardian creatures, and heroes.- Construction, research, troop training, Offense and defensestrategy are under your complete control!- Alliances with other players to make you stronger!- You will NOT feel alone: ​​Private Chats, Alliance Chats, PublicChats, Forums ... full interaction and communication!... And much MORE!"Great Game If you like empire building game, or you are a fanof ogame / travian / evony on PC, I think you will surely enjoythis.""When I looked at the screenshots, I knew it would be a goodgame for my taste. But now I will say this game totally exceeds myexpectation!""A great game that you will regret to miss!"
Emross War 1.5.4
iFree Studio Limited
ONLINE Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game(MMORPG) for Android!LIMITED TIME OFFER: DOWNLOAD NOW AND ALL THE NEWLY REGISTEREDPLAYERS CAN GET GIFTS."This is best mmorpg game I've played and I'm still enjoying thegame with my friends." -JoeyCho"I absolutely love this game. I don't usually get into gameslike this, but for some reason this one really catches myattention." -Razie2Emross War is a free massively-multiplayer strategy game (mmo).It takes only 3 minutes to learn, and is extremely fun!The story happens in Emross, the land of Myth and Legend, whichhas been under wars among Human, Elf, and Orc since very ancienttime. Now with the invasion of Chaos Army, the situations arebecoming even more complex...You will start as a young Lord inheriting a small castle from yourfamily. As you gradually develop and march your way to victory, youwill have chance to meet and recruit many different legend heroes,and be able to summon the most powerful guardian creature of yourown race!And you are NOT fighting alone. You and friends can build a verypowerful alliance; make it a dominant presence in Emross; andfinally defeat the Chaos and restore order to the land!GAME FEATURES:- Well designed guidance system: it takes only 3 minutes to learn,and is extremely fun!- Perform numerous challenging quests.- Enjoy gorgeous graphics.- FREE updates with new quests, items, heroes, and more!- Battle other players LIVE.- Choose from 3 races—HUMAN, ELF, ORC—each with different soldiers,guardian creatures, and heroes.- Construction, research, troop training, attack, and defensestrategy are completely under your control!- Ally with other players to make you stronger!- You will NOT feel alone: Private Chats, Alliance Chats, PublicChats, Forums...full of interaction and communication!...and much MORE!"Awesome game! If you like empire building game, or you are afan of ogame/travian/evony on PC, I think you will surely enjoythis.""When I looked at the screenshots, I knew it would be a goodgame for my taste. But now I will say this game totally exceeds myexpectation!""A great game that you will regret to miss!"
Войны Вампиров - dota 1.0.1
iFree Studio Limited
"Ах, новорожденный, добро пожаловать в мир тьмы!Бесчисленные века, мои племена стояли на вершине мира, былиправителями жизни смертных.Кое-кто бросил нам вызов - Люпины или как называют их люди -оборотни, с ними мы боролись на протяжении веков и одержалипобеду!Принц, моя история закончена. Теперь, как вы поведёте нас к концуэтого хаоса, и вернёте былое могущество и славу?Особенности:-Бесплатная Многопользовательская ОНЛАЙН игра для iPhone и iPodTouch!-Насладитесь прекрасной графикой, и отличной анимацией битв.Бесплатные обновления с новыми Способностями, Миссиями и многимдругим!-Усиливайте свой Клан и ищите мощных Героев с разнообразнымиспособностями.- Деритесь против легендарных героев, и набирайте их себе вкоманду!- Командные бои позволяют вам присоединиться к битвам сотенигроков!-Приводите друзей в свой Конклав, чтобы сделать его сильнее!- Выполняйте огромное количество заданий!- Грабьте, чтобы добыть редкие предметы и способности- Обновления в реальном времени!- Отличная система чата- … И многое другое!ВНИМАНИЕ:- Это только сетевая игра. Пользователи iPod Touch должны бытьподключены к WiFi чтобы играть"
征戰三國 1.0.2
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 遊戲簡介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游運營與開發商傾力打造 ★★★★★★★★ 顛覆傳統三國類遊戲陳腐設定的冒險之作 ★★★★《征戰三國》是一款以三國為背景,結合養成玩法的戰略類手遊史詩之作。一開始,玩家需要戰勝黃巾軍獲得自己的城池,一邊經營自己的城池,一邊對外擴張,剿滅三國歷史上那些強大的勢力,與其他玩家勢力一決高下,戎馬一生,征戰三國,成就霸業。☆☆☆☆ 遊戲特色 ☆☆☆☆● 須要很歷史,但無須太陳腐!經典戰役重溫再現、三國名將悉數登場,《征戰三國》在保留SLG遊戲的經典元素的基礎上,打破傳統三國題材遊戲依靠時間線串聯劇情的作法,通過與各個勢力交戰,將各路名將收入麾下,令玩家更加自由地征戰三國。● 須要講戰略,但無須太複雜!《征戰三國》作出了自己的特色,摒棄傳統三國遊戲冗長的戰鬥操作,還給玩家一個單純的指揮角色。玩家只需提前設置出戰武將及陣法,就可以在戰鬥時欣賞武將廝殺的英姿。記住,你只是決策者,不是行動家!● 須要逞英雄,但無須太魯莽!強大的英雄個體,人們會授予他無上的榮耀。一場戰爭的勝負,卻不能僅憑個體的能力。《征戰三國》裡的玩家從經營自己城池開始,對外擴張剿滅其他勢力,同時也須進行一系列的外交政策,合縱連橫取天下。Game Description ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence hand tour operators and developerseffort to build ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ overturn the traditional three games banal setting foradventure ★ ★ ★ ★   "Three expedition" is a three background,combined with the class to develop strategies for how to play thehand epic swim. Initially, the player needs to defeat the YellowTurban army get their own city, while running his own city, whileforeign expansion, destroy those powerful forces on the history ofthe Three Kingdoms, with other players forces a showdown, militarylife, the three expeditions, Chengjiubaye.Game Features ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆    ● need is history, but not be tootrite!    Relive classic battles reproduction, threefamous full debut, "expedition three" SLG game based on the classicelements retained on the three themes of the game relies onbreaking the traditional time series plot line practice throughengagement with various forces, the brightest star of income arm,so that the three players more freedom to campaign.     ● need to talk strategy, but should not betoo complicated!    "Three campaign" has made its owncharacteristics, instead of the traditional three games lengthybattle operations, and gave the players a simple command role.Players set to play just ahead of the generals and the matrixmethod, you can enjoy the generals heroic fight in the battle.Remember, you only decision-makers, not the action home!    ● need a hero, but should not be tooreckless!    Powerful individual heroes, people willgrant him supreme glory. The outcome of a war, but not only by theability of the individual. "Three expeditions" where players runtheir own city from the start, external expansion destroy the otherforces, but also subject to a series of foreign policy, takingvertical and horizontal world.
Reignage 1.3.1
iFree Studio Limited
"An ancient fiend has broken loose the bind ofhis seal. The Azarath world was ravaged by fire because of hisawakening, so you have to travel to a new continent and regain yourstrength. The heroic legend starts from here!Imagine 100 armies actually fight a death-match together. Youcan manage dozens of skills, more than 100 kinds of units, andtalented heroes of many races to form your unique legion. Combiningyour heroes, units, formations and tactics flexibly to achieverenowned victories!The world might be shifted by your very slight interference.Arm yourself and join the epic war!************************************************************Game Features★Easy to begin; Hot girls show you how to play the game★Most creative and stylish game designing★Pretty sweet maids for your diversified needs★Monsters and stages withstand repeated challenges★More than 100 heroes waiting for you to conquer and recruit★The combination of more than 100 units and various heroskills★Colossal equipment and upgrading system★The epic war for 100 players that you have never experienced************************************************************"
三国英雄传之烽烟再起 1.4.1
iFree Studio Limited
"☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游运营与开发商倾力打造 ★★★★《三国英雄传》是一款由慕和网络耗时两年精心打造的三国题材SLG类型手游巨作,游戏支持多人同时在线,集互动交友、英雄培养、战争策略等流行元素于一身。其画面唯美、剧情紧凑、玩法多样,让初入三国的玩家欲罢不能流连忘返。☆☆☆☆ 游戏特色 ☆☆☆☆【画面好,系统精】著名画师完美阐释东汉末年的真实场景,而单人战役、多人副本等经典系统让你流连忘返。【操作易,门槛低】游戏设计考虑到安卓用户习惯,操作简单,上手容易,即使是菜鸟玩家也可跟着教程入门。【男将威,女将美】魏蜀吴及他国全面覆盖,千名史实武将纷纷登场,并可将孙尚香、大小乔等美女招入麾下。【兵种多,策略高】独具三国风采的兵种,特色鲜明且相互克制,结合科技、结盟等内容催生最策略战斗体系。【人气高,P K 爽】畅销多国成功积累了数万人气,玩家间PK战争所获取的功勋点数还可兑换本阵营极品武将。""☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆, Aboutthe GameEffort to build ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence hand touroperators and developers    Three Heroes "is a by Mu and network tooktwo years to carefully build the three themes of the SLG type handtravel masterpiece, the game supports multiplayer online set ofinteractive dating hero culture, war strategy, and other popularelements in a. Its screen is beautiful, the plot is compact,diverse gameplay, entering the three players unable to stop tolinger.☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆, Game Features【Screen is good, the system is fine]Famous painter perfectly illustrates the real scene of the EasternHan Dynasty, the single-player campaign, more than a copy of theclassic system let you forget.[And easy operation, low threshold]The game designed taking into account the Andrews user habits,simple to operate, easy to get started, even rookie players followthe tutorial Getting Started.[Male Wei, women, beauty]Wei, Shu and Wu and his country comprehensive coverage of onethousand the historical facts generals have debut Shangxiang sizeJoe and beauty's hiring.【Arms, strategy]The arms of the unique three countries elegance, distinctivefeatures and mutual restraint, combined with science andtechnology, alliances and other contents of the birth of the moststrategic battle system.Popular high P K Shuang]Best-selling the multinational successfully accumulated tens ofthousands popularity this camp the best generals war formeritorious points can also be exchanged between players PK.'
征战三国 1.0.9
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游运营与开发商倾力打造 ★★★★★★★★ 颠覆传统三国类游戏陈腐设定的冒险之作 ★★★★《征战三国》是一款以三国为背景,结合养成玩法的战略类手游史诗之作。一开始,玩家需要战胜黄巾军获得自己的城池,一边经营自己的城池,一边对外扩张,剿灭三国历史上那些强大的势力,与其他玩家势力一决高下,戎马一生,征战三国,成就霸业。☆☆☆☆ 游戏特色 ☆☆☆☆● 须要很历史,但无须太陈腐!经典战役重温再现、三国名将悉数登场,《征战三国》在保留SLG游戏的经典元素的基础上,打破传统三国题材游戏依靠时间线串联剧情的作法,通过与各个势力交战,将各路名将收入麾下,令玩家更加自由地征战三国。● 须要讲战略,但无须太复杂!《征战三国》作出了自己的特色,摒弃传统三国游戏冗长的战斗操作,还给玩家一个单纯的指挥角色。玩家只需提前设置出战武将及阵法,就可以在战斗时欣赏武将厮杀的英姿。记住,你只是决策者,不是行动家!● 须要逞英雄,但无须太鲁莽!强大的英雄个体,人们会授予他无上的荣耀。一场战争的胜负,却不能仅凭个体的能力。《征战三国》里的玩家从经营自己城池开始,对外扩张剿灭其他势力,同时也须进行一系列的外交政策,合纵连横取天下。Game Description ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence hand tour operators and developerseffort to build ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ overturn the traditional three games banal setting foradventure ★ ★ ★ ★   "Three expedition" is a three background,combined with the class to develop strategies for how to play thehand epic swim. Initially, the player needs to defeat the YellowTurban army get their own city, while running his own city, whileforeign expansion, destroy those powerful forces on the history ofthe Three Kingdoms, with other players forces a showdown, militarylife, the three expeditions, Chengjiubaye.Game Features ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆    ● need is history, but not be tootrite!    Relive classic battles reproduction, threefamous full debut, "expedition three" SLG game based on the classicelements retained on the three themes of the game relies onbreaking the traditional time series plot line practice throughengagement with various forces, the brightest star of income arm,so that the three players more freedom to campaign.     ● need to talk strategy, but should not betoo complicated!    "Three campaign" has made its owncharacteristics, instead of the traditional three games lengthybattle operations, and gave the players a simple command role.Players set to play just ahead of the generals and the matrixmethod, you can enjoy the generals heroic fight in the battle.Remember, you only decision-makers, not the action home!    ● need a hero, but should not be tooreckless!    Powerful individual heroes, people willgrant him supreme glory. The outcome of a war, but not only by theability of the individual. "Three expeditions" where players runtheir own city from the start, external expansion destroy the otherforces, but also subject to a series of foreign policy, takingvertical and horizontal world.
Roman Empire 1.1.1
iFree Studio Limited
ONLINE Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game(MMORPG) for the iPhone/iPod Touch!LIMITED TIME OFFER: DOWNLOAD NOW AND ALL THE NEWLY REGISTEREDPLAYERS CAN GET GIFTS.Roman Empire is a free massively-multiplayer strategy game(mmo). It takes only 3 minutes to learn, and is extremely fun!Slaves riot led by Spartacus broke out and ravaged throughoutthe Roman empire. Senatus sent the legendary general, Caesar, tosuppress the rebellion, but the shadow of suspicion stirredsituation, and the new flame of war ignited and raging over thecountry. You must pick a side in this troubled time, build up yourown city, recruit an undefeatable army of veteran soldiers andcelebrated generals, and bring peace again to this ancientland.Presented in fantastic graphics, Roman Empire is a historicalmultiplayer war game you can enjoy in its depth of strategies, andabundant elementals of units, equipments, and historicalcelebrities.GAME FEATURES:- User friendly guidance helping you learn the game in extremelyshort time.- Thrilling and interesting historical quests.- Fantastic graphics restoring the original history.- Regular updates totally free of charge.- Fighting with thousands of players!- Siding with Spartacus, Senatus, or Caesar, and leading theirunique units and heroes.- Deep strategy including constructions, researches, trooptraining, equipment forging, etc- Uniting your friends to form a great alliance legion!- Live chat with many channels making full interaction andcommunication!
三國英雄傳之烽煙再起 1.3.7
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 遊戲簡介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游運營與開發商傾力打造 ★★★★《三國英雄傳》是一款由慕和網路耗時兩年精心打造的三國題材SLG類型手遊巨作,遊戲支援多人同時線上,集互動交友、英雄培養、戰爭策略等流行元素於一身。其畫面唯美、劇情緊湊、玩法多樣,讓初入三國的玩家欲罷不能流連忘返。☆☆☆☆ 遊戲特色 ☆☆☆☆【畫面好,系統精】著名畫師完美闡釋東漢末年的真實場景,而單人戰役、多人副本等經典系統讓你流連忘返。【操作易,門檻低】遊戲設計考慮到安卓用戶習慣,操作簡單,上手容易,即使是菜鳥玩家也可跟著教程入門。【男將威,女將美】魏蜀吳及他國全面覆蓋,千名史實武將紛紛登場,並可將孫尚香、大小喬等美女招入麾下。【兵種多,策略高】獨具三國風采的兵種,特色鮮明且相互克制,結合科技、結盟等內容催生最策略戰鬥體系。【人氣高,P K 爽】暢銷多國成功積累了數萬人氣,玩家間PK戰爭所獲取的功勳點數還可兌換本陣營極品武☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Game Description☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Effort to build ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Global Excellence hand touroperators and developers    Three Heroes "is a by Mu and network tooktwo years to carefully build the three themes of the SLG type handtravel masterpiece, the game supports multiplayer online, setinteractive dating hero culture, war strategy, and other popularelements in a . Its screen is beautiful, the plot is compact,diverse gameplay, entering the three players unable to stop tolinger.☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆, Game Features【Screen is good, the system is fine]Famous painter perfectly illustrates the real scene of the EasternHan Dynasty, the single-player campaign, more than a copy of theclassic system let you forget.[And easy operation, low threshold]The game designed taking into account the Andrews user habits,simple to operate, easy to get started, even rookie players followthe tutorial Getting Started.[Male Wei, women, beauty]Wei, Shu and Wu and his country comprehensive coverage of onethousand the historical facts generals have debut Shangxiang sizeJoe and beauty's hiring.【Arms, strategy]The arms of the unique three countries elegance, distinctivefeatures and mutual restraint, combined with science andtechnology, alliances and other contents of the birth of the moststrategic battle system.Popular high P K Shuang]The best-selling multi-country success has accumulated tens ofthousands of popular players PK war for meritorious points alsoredeem the camp's best weapons
헬로 메티스 with BAND 1.5.5
iFree Studio Limited
★ PVP에 특화된 전략 카드배틀 헬로!메티스!!기존의 마카환상의 서비스 종료 후 많은 유저들의 성원에 힘 입어 새롭게 단장한 헬로!메티스!! 한 단계 성장한 운영의질과재미를 유저분들에게 보장해 드으리!!★★ 헬로메티스 OPEN 이벤트★★① 15레벨만 달성하셔도 카드를 뽑을 수 있는 쿠폰카드를 3장 지급하여 드립니다.② 10개의 업적을 달성하시는 분들에게는 4★ 카드인 "켄타수호자"를 지급하여 드립니다.③ 카드를 10레벨까지 강화하시는 가족분들에게는 다이아를 지급하여 드립니다.이 외에도 다양한 이벤트가 진행 중에 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 반드시 헬로메티스 공식카페의 공지사항을확인하여주세요.헬로메티스 공식 커뮤니티http://cafe.naver.com/hellotcg★★게임소개★★헬로!메티스!는 PvP를 강조한 TCG게임으로 유저 간 승부를 겨루는 토너먼트, 랭킹순위를 결정 짓는 랭킹전,자신의전력에 따라 카드를 배치하여 전투하는 턴 배틀 등의 독특한 플레이를 제공합니다.수 백장 이상의 고퀄리티 카드들을 수집하고 게임 상대방이 사용하는 덱의 특성에 맞춰 상성에 맞는 카드배치와소환순서를실시간으로 결정하는 액티브 턴 배틀 방식을 사용하여 유저의 순간적인 판단에 의해 승패를 가르는 전략성이강화된게임입니다.★★게임특징★★① 토너먼트 : 랜덤으로 지급되는 부스터 팩을 활용하여 다른 유저들과 승부를 겨루는 시스템. 승리할 때 마다다이아를지급받고, 종료 시에는 최종보상으로 선택한 카드 100% 지급!!② 랭킹전 : 매일매일 랭킹 순위에 따라 대량의 골드를 획득 할 수 있는 시스템. ③ 액티브 턴 배틀 : 매 턴상대방과나의 전력에 따라 몬스터 소환 순서와 위치를 전략적으로 배치하는 전투 시스템.④ 카드성장 : 카드 강화 시 능력치 상승과 함께 몬스터 별 전용 신규 스킬이 추가로 활성화⑤ 룬시스템 : 룬을 활용한 다양한 공격 및 버프효과로 전략성 강화⑥ 던전 및 미궁 : 방대한 스토리를 바탕으로 진행되는 다양한 전투와 미궁탐험!헬로메티스 공식 커뮤니티http://cafe.naver.com/hellotcg★ specialized inPVPStrategy Card Battle Hello! Metis! Thanks to the support of many users after the terminationofservice of an existing marker fantasy refurbished Hello! Metis!Deeuri guarantee the quality and fun of the user who grew up anotchoperation!Hello Metis ★★ OPEN event ★★① Only 15 to achieve acceptable levels will pay 3 coupon cardthatcan pull the card.4 ★ card payment will be by a "Kenta Guardian" for those whoachieve② the achievements of 10.Payment will be to strengthen the diamond for you to level 10 card③family needs.In addition, various events are underway. Please be sure tocheckthe official Hello Metis Cafe bulletin for moreinformation.Hello Metis Official Communityhttp://cafe.naver.com/hellotcgAbout ★★ game ★★ It offers a unique game play, such as competing withemphasison the inter-user game PvP TCG tournament, beforedetermining theranking Ranking, turn the battle to combat the cardsarrangedaccording to their power of Hello! Metis is required. Separating the game outcome is determined by the instantofthe user by using the method for determining in real timetheactive turns battle Grand Duke and the quality can becollectedover the card and according to the nature of the deck tothe otherparty using the game cards to match the resistancearrangement andrecalled order strategic This enhanced game.★★ game features ★★① Tournament: emulate the game with other users to utilizethesystem in a random booster packs paid. Diamond getting paideverytime you win, the final reward at the end of the selectedcardpayments 100%!② Ranking I: to obtain a system with a large amount of goldinaccordance with the priority rankings on a daily basis. ③activeturn battle: the battle system arranged according to eachparty andturn my power by strategically summoning a monster orderandlocation.④ card growth: rising with stats and card activationfurtherenhanced when the new monster-only skill-specificUsing various runes to enhance strategic attack and buff effect:⑤rune system⑥ dungeons and labyrinths: a variety of combat and are based ontheextensive progress the story Labyrinth Exploration!Hello Metis Official Communityhttp://cafe.naver.com/hellotcg
Tap Three Kingdoms 1.0.2
iFree Studio Limited
"Tap Three Kingdoms is a hot smartphonemultiplayer game based on the three kingdom history. The game hasthe most classic multiplayer strategies, more gorgeous graphicsthan other browser games of same genre, huge and complicatedstrategy mechanism, and excellent gameplay. It is a peak work inbrowser strategies that is well appraised on its publishing, andreviewed as a real MMO on palm by authoritative media.★Clear game interfaces, simply controls, and low difficulty makeit an easy start even if it's your first play.★A multi-playing game full of real-timed battles, interactivechatting, and mutual alliances.★More than 200 historical celebrated generals are included. Recruitthem into your own ranks.★A unique feature that each side has its own super generals whocannot be recruited by others.★A real historical battlefield is restored with the appearance ofunits as Righteous Riders, Tiger Cavalries, White-ears, etc.★An abundance in content including castles, buildings,technologies, generals, units, equipment, etc.★More Tempting female generals like Diao Chan, Younger Qiao, SunShangxiang, etc. More are waiting for you in Tap ThreeKingdoms!... and much more waiting for your discovery! Come fight on thebattlefield in our Tap Three Kingdoms!"
Vampire War 1.0.7
iFree Studio Limited
Ah, a newborn! Welcome to theunderworld!For centuries, we true bloods have rest at the top of the world’sfood chain. We hold the reigns of the mortal world and all theirpathetic minions.There have always been those who challenge us - lupines, orwerewolves if you prefer which we have fought for centuries andemerged victorious against.The Sacred War divided all us true bloods into three Races -Maskers, Monstrums and Independents. We have all taken differentpaths leading towards our final death in Armageddon.And so like every old story, here begins the conflict for thesarcophagus, rumored to contain the body of the Third MortalAncestor who according to legend was the first vampire. As thecivil war wages on between us true bloods, Lupines have again risenand once again, along with the humans have entered into our civilunrest.This is our story. Now, the real question remains: How will youlead us to finish this chaos and bring us back to the dominance weonce held?FEATURES:★ Massive Multiplayer ONLINE Gameplay for Android system!★ Gorgeous graphics and exciting battle animations!★ FREE updates with new missions, skills, slaves, and more!★ Strengthen your tribe and collect powerful heroes with differentskills!★ Fight and recruit legendary heroes to fight for you!★ Team battle system enables you to join epic wars!★ Bring your friends into your hive to make it stronger!★ Perform numerous dark missions★ Loot rare items and skills★ Get real time updates★ Experience real-time chat
战争帝国 1.1.1
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游运营与开发商倾力打造 ★★★★★★★★ 包罗现实、科幻、策略和养成的奇妙之旅 ★★★★《战争帝国》是一款以近代为基础,架空其上的战争策略手机网游。游戏的操作简便、策略多样、互动活跃。当你体会到其中乐趣,那么这个游戏才刚刚开始,你能做的事情还很多:挑战主线、支线、日常任务;分基本和行营的建设;尝试不同的战斗策略;勋章兑换;个性化设置……等待你的一一探索。☆☆☆☆ 游戏特色 ☆☆☆☆在时空交错的土地上,实现抱负•世界:架空的背景、精致的地图、大气的格调,尽显巨制风范。•军校:希特勒、朱德、巴顿、尼米兹……让世界名将成为你麾下的军官。•军工厂:大呼过瘾的兵种选用,从取材真实的F117、到天马行空的磁轨炮。弱肉强食的世界,唯有变得更强•科研中心:民生、军事两大科技树,研究科技对你在世界中的发展至关重要。•装备信息:独具特色的强化分解以及勋章系统,让你的装备发挥最大威力。•军官:除了穿戴装备,还能通过基因改造加强军官的属性。绝非单机,真正的多人在线手游•领事馆:联盟外交、联盟科技、联盟争霸战……于此,你们成为兄弟姐妹。•聊天:开放三种聊天频道,世界、联盟、私密,实时沟通无障碍。欲罢不能,令人沉醉的手机网游•任务:完成任务除了可以领取报酬,跌宕的剧情更是让你心潮澎湃。•BOSS战:霸气侧漏的外观、瞠目结舌的实力,让你尽享挑战BOSS的乐趣。•排行榜:装备、军官、联盟都会在排行榜中一分高下,兴许其中有你的身影。
掌中三国 1.0.1
iFree Studio Limited
掌中三国(日本語バージョン) 1.0.0
iFree Studio Limited
掌上三国 1.4.5
iFree Studio Limited
“掌上三国”是一款以三国鼎立时期为背景所制作的热门手机多人在线游戏,游戏采用了最经典的多人策略类游戏玩法。每位玩家都可以在游戏中招兵买马、攻城拔寨,经过不懈的努力不断地扩张自己的领地,指挥着关羽、典韦、孙策等众多名将驰骋沙场,完成一统三国的雄图霸业!* 游戏界面清新、操作简便,游戏难度低,即便初次接触也能快速上手一玩即懂。* 多人同时游戏,实时交战、实时互动,聊天、交友、结盟,共同战斗。* 200多历史名将悉数登场,将一干三国名将招入自己麾下。* 特色鲜明,每个阵营都可招募到其它阵营无法拥有的超级武将。* 内容丰富,游戏设置了城池、建筑、科技、武将、士兵、装备等丰富内容。貂蝉、小乔、孙尚香女将更V5,《掌上三国》等待你的发掘!"Pocket Three Kingdoms"isa background of the Three Kingdoms period produced popularmobilemultiplayer online game, the game uses the most classicmultiplayerstrategy game played.Each player can recruit in the game, rattling, and makeunremittingefforts continue to expand their territory, directingGuan Yu, DianWei, Sun Ce, and many other famous ride in battle,completeunification of the three countries aggressively dominance!* The game interface is clean, simple, low difficulty ofthegame, even if the initial contact can quickly get started aplaythat is understood.* Multiplayer games simultaneously, real war, real-timeinteraction,chat, dating, alliances, fight together.* More than 200 famous history full debut, the Lord of thethreefamous recruited into his arm.* Distinctive features, each faction can recruit other camp cannothave super-generals.* Rich in content, the game is set up city,architecture,technology, generals, soldiers, equipment, and otherrichcontent.Diao Chan, Joe, Shangxiang women more V5, "Pocket ThreeKingdoms"waiting for you to explore!
掌上三國 1.4.1
iFree Studio Limited
“掌上三國”是壹款以三國鼎立時期為背景所制作的熱門手機多人在線遊戲,遊戲采用了最經典的多人策略類遊戲玩法。每位玩家都可以在遊戲中招兵買馬、攻城拔寨,經過不懈的努力不斷地擴張自己的領地,指揮著關羽、典韋、孫策等眾多名將馳騁沙場,完成壹統三國的雄圖霸業!* 遊戲界面清新、操作簡便,遊戲難度低,即便初次接觸也能快速上手壹玩即懂。* 多人同時遊戲,實時交戰、實時互動,聊天、交友、結盟,共同戰鬥。* 200多歷史名將悉數登場,將壹幹三國名將招入自己麾下。* 特色鮮明,每個陣營都可招募到其它陣營無法擁有的超級武將。* 內容豐富,遊戲設置了城池、建築、科技、武將、士兵、裝備等豐富內容。貂蟬、小喬、孫尚香女將更V5,《掌上三國》等待妳的發掘!"Pocket Three Kingdoms"One section is the background to the Three Kingdoms period producedpopular mobile multiplayer online game, the game uses the mostclassic multiplayer strategy game played.Each player can recruit in the game, rattling, and make unremittingefforts continue to expand their territory, directing Guan Yu, DianWei, Sun Ce, and many other famous ride in battle, completeintegration of the three countries aggressively One dominance!* The game interface is clean, simple, low difficulty of thegame, even if the initial contact can quickly get started One playthat is understood.* Multiplayer games simultaneously, real war, real-timeinteraction, chat, dating, alliances, fight together.* More than 200 famous history full debut, will move into the threefamous One dry their command.* Distinctive features, each faction can recruit other camp can nothave super-generals.* Rich in content, the game is set up city, architecture,technology, generals, soldiers, equipment, and other richcontent.Diao Chan, Joe, Shangxiang women more V5, "Pocket ThreeKingdoms" wait you to explore!
Emross War 简体中文 1.2.5
iFree Studio Limited
"Android 上的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)限时优惠:现在下载即可得到高级礼物游戏故事发生在埃莫罗斯这片神秘与传奇的大陆;自从上古时期,人类,精灵与兽人就征战在这片大陆上。现在由于混乱军团的入侵,情形变得更为复杂。。。你将以一位年轻君主身份, 因继承了家族城堡而加入战斗。你将逐渐发展壮大,一步步走向胜利的里程碑!你将拥有机会遇见并招募到传奇式的英雄,并最终可以召唤到自己种族特有的终极守卫生物。,并且,你不会孤军奋战在这片大陆。你可以认识到很多友好的玩家并结成强大的联盟;因此成为埃莫罗斯大陆独占一方的强大领主!最终你将战胜混乱军团,使这片大陆再度辉煌!游戏特色:- 精心设计的新手引导系统,只需3分钟就能上手,而且非常好玩!- 众多挑战性的游戏任务。- 精美游戏画面。- 免费更新新的任务,物品道具,英雄及更多!- 在线挑战其他玩家。- 3个种族:人类,精灵,兽人。每个种族具有各自不同的士兵,防守生物及英雄。- 建筑,科技,训练军队,攻击,防御都在你的掌控之中!- 与其他玩家结盟使你更强!- 私聊,联盟聊天,公共聊天使你不会感到孤单。...还有其它更多!“非常好的游戏!如果你喜欢帝国建造游戏或者你是ogame/travian/evony的粉丝,你会爱上EmrossWar”“当我看到游戏截图时,我就知道这是适合我口味的好游戏。不过现在我可以说这个游戏超过了我的期望。”“如果你错过这个游戏你会遗憾!”""Android on themassivelymultiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)Limited Time Offer: Download Now you can get the senior giftThe game takes place in Emmonak Ross this mysterious andlegendarycontinent; Since ancient times, humans, elves and orcsfought inthis continent. Now the invasion of Chaos Army, thesituationbecomes more complicated. . .You will be a young Lord inheriting a small castle from yourfamilyto join the battle. You will gradually develop and grow, asteptoward victory milestone! You will have the opportunity to meetandrecruit legendary heroes, and be able to summon your ownraceultimate guardian creature. ,And, you will not be alone on this continent. You can recognizealot of friendly players and formed strong alliances; thusbecomeexclusive party Emauhee Roth continent powerful lord! ChaosLegioneventually you will prevail, so that the continent onceagainbrilliant!Game Features:- Well designed guidance system, only 3 minutes to learn, andisextremely fun!- Numerous challenging quests.- Beautiful game screen.- FREE updates with new quests, items, heroes, and more!- Challenge other players online.- Three races: humans, elves, orcs. Each race has its owndifferentsoldiers, guardian creatures, and heroes.- Construction, technology, training troops, attack, defense allinyour fingertips!- Ally with other players to make you stronger!- Private chat, alliance chat, public chat so you will notfeellonely.... There are other more!"Very good game! If you like empire building game, or youareogame / travian / evony fans, you will love Emross War""When I looked at the screenshots, I knew it was a good game formytaste, but now I can say that this game exceededmyexpectations.""If you miss this game you will regret!" "
龙的传人 1.0.1
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆〓〓大制作〓〓◆◆2013最萌最Q手机游戏◆◆◆◆千万小伙伴五星推荐◆◆◆◆加入队伍成为真正龙的传人◆◆〓〓大特色〓〓◆◆在龙的世界里,你将扮成为龙的传人,每位新诞生的驯龙高手必须透过收集、培养自己的伙伴宠物笼提升自己的战斗能力之后,穿透丰富的游戏剧情,闯荡史诗级游戏背景关卡,最后傲视天下,成为最终的霸者。玩家将会意外发现除了刺激的战斗之外,还有来自全球的小伙伴等着您去发掘...最终成为龙的传人◆◆*十七大游戏背景、上千关卡,波澜壮阔的冒险即将开展!* 三大类别、几百种宠物等待您的发掘与培养!* 六种阵型可灵活切换,挑战强大的深渊魔龙,将其宝物收入囊中。* 新奇技能任您搭配,强化自己、限制敌人、重创对手!* 提升等级、提升属性、转生宠物龙更强更酷更帅!* 多人团队竞技,与伙伴的配合让你完美体验PK的爽快* 与朋友协力对抗BOSS或者与朋友对战,看谁才是真正的驯龙高手!* 参加势力战,与全球万人同台竞技,谁将夺得世界第一高手!成为真正的龙的传人* 庞大的故事背景,形成独具创新的世界观。谁能成为真正的驯龙高手?,谁又会是那传说中的龙的传人?这一切,都在你的手中……官方网站:http://www.dragon-tamers.com新浪官方微博: http://weibo.com/DragonTamers2(驯龙战记_传奇)官方QQ群1:293255357
Avalon Wars 1.7.3
iFree Studio Limited
Avalon Wars is a freemassively-multiplayerstrategy game (mmo). It takes only 3 minutesto learn, and isextremely fun!The unique beauty of Avalon Wars is that it always gives youplentyof choices – there is no 'must follow' development patternorultimate troops. You can decide your own favored troopcombinationand technology path, and achieve victories by readingyour enemiesand adjusting your strategies!Year 2094, with the discovery of domistal, a powerfulcrystallineenergy form on planet Avalon, people started strugglingwith eachother and trying to seize control over the rare elemental.Threehuge interest groups emerged, the Federate, the Terrans, andtheSyndicate. As a newly recruited commander, you will settleyourfortress on Avalon, rally a great army of biotics, mechanicsandair forces, sweep over the rigid surface of whole planet, andproveyourself a true hero on the battleground of chaos.Featuring different factions, cutting-edged techs, anddeepeststrategies, Avalon Wars is the best science fiction strategygameyou ever look for.GAME FEATURES:- A well designed guide that helps you learn the game in3minutes.- Futuristic concept and Sci-Fi Interface.- Free to download and update.- Interaction with thousands of players.- Draggable interface with growing structures.- Three major unit types with different advantagesanddisadvantages.- Customized regiments with various formations ofdifferenteffects.- All kinds of captains equipped with numerous items from fivemajorcategories.- Three different worlds with different environment andchallengerates.- Real time battle replay.- A sophisticated legion system....and much MORE!
London Guess 1.0.3
iFree Studio Limited
The hottest Olympic Games in this summer!Areyou still focus on playing boring and outdated games? Areyousearching exciting games but without results? Now! Come on andjoinus playing online London Guess! You, are the master ofthisgame!Seamless connect London and the whole world! We use the real2012London Olympic Games schedule and events as quizzes,enjoycompeting with the whole world players. This competition isnotabout time, equipment, more is not skills, here is your mindthan!"London Guess" provides you timely quiz results and news,evenprovides a special space for giving your advices andstrategy.Whiledebating who to choose to win what events you candiscuss theevents that are about to take place, or events in whichthe resultsare already in. It gives you a chance to stay up to dateon theOlympics while competing with friends all from the palm ofyourhand!The four astonishing features of this game.1. Synchronized with the Official Olympic schedule. 7 maineventsand 302 sub-events.2. Exciting Rewards – Players will receive points forcorrectpredictions that can be exchanged from in game items thatwillenhance your future predictions! At the end the top playerswillall receive a mystery prize.3. Enjoyable Social Networking – Follow friends and familywhilecompeting against the world. You can share your scores onFacebook,and browse other players’ prediction history.4. Easy to learn – With a friendly user interface and scoringsystemit will take no time at all to be competing! You receivepoints andgold when you choose the correct winning countries.Rules:1. “London Guess” will allow you to choose the most interestingofthe 302 events to allow you to place your prediction for thegoldand silver medal winners.2. In any one event you can earn up to 80 points: Gold 50,Silver30. Every 10 points will give you an additional gold coin(Acorrect Gold is 50 points, so you will receive 5 additionalgoldcoins. A correct gold and silver prediction will net you 8goldcoins).3. Events will be opened up to predictions 5 days before theeventis scheduled to take place. The results will be posted 30minutesafter the event and players will receive their scores andgoldcoins no later than 1:00a.m. (G.M.T.).4. 2 hours before the event starts predictions will be closed toallplayers, players will no longer be able to change theirpredictionsor see other players predictions.5. Everyday a player may predict up to 5 events. While purchasingagold key can unlock an additional 3 events per day. (8 isthemaximum number of events for players using gold coins).6. Gold coins can also be used to purchase virtual items such asthewand, x-ray and Tipp-Ex.Each day the top 10 players will receive an additional goldcoinbonus in descending sequence: 100,90,80,70,66,60,58,56,54,52.Theweekly top 10 players will also receive a gold coin bonusindescending sequence:300,270,240,210,198,180,174,168,162,156.Techniques:1. You can improve your chances of winning by using the“x-ray”which allows you to see what the top ranked playersarepredicting.2. Are you confident you know something others do not? Avoidotherplayers stealing your predictions by using “Tipp-ex(Wite-out)”.Tipp-ex allows you to correct your predictions (stillmust be used2 hours before the event begins!). If you want to getvery sneakytry casting a misleading bet, then changing it lastminute andusing Tipp-ex so others can’t follow you.3. Does 1 day have too many events that you are confident about?Youcan purchase up to 3 more events for the day. That’s 3 morechancesfor extra points, and could put you in contention for thetop 10reward for the day, or even the week.
罗马帝国 1.2.4
iFree Studio Limited
《罗马帝国》是一款以罗马为背景集战术、策略、战斗为一体的多人在线游戏手机游戏。通过加入真实世界的地图,真实的部队,真实的城镇和真实的历史,还原那充满传奇的时代!俗话说“罗马不是一天建成的”,如何在强敌环伺的险境中,开创罗马帝国的光辉,由你来做抉择!游戏特色:1.古罗马帝国,强者为尊,帝国的路在那里,由你一手掌控。2.强大的武将可以主宰一场战争,以少胜多的战斗在游戏中得以完美再现。3.强大的科技,配合众多的兵种,找到属于自己的发挥空间,体验战争的乐趣。4.联盟是征战大陆不可缺少的一个部分,联系你的盟友,走向成就巅峰与辉煌。5.专用跨服pvp服务器,众多高手云集一堂,谁是帝国最高的王者。6.强大的装备系统,庞大的道具体系,装备强化,极品装备在手,天下我有。7.完善的通知系统,升级完成,敌军来袭,时刻为您关注各种重要消息。8.精美游戏画面,罗马建筑风格雄浑凝重,不仅体现了华丽与稳重结合的气息,更会让玩家们体会到罗马人的智慧。客服QQ号: 2475197545官方微博:http://weibo.com/lmdgwb 官方微博现已开放,欢迎网友关注!"Roman Empire" is aRomabackground collection tactics, strategy, fighting as one ofthemultiplayer online game mobile games.        By addingreal-worldmap, the real army, the real true history of towns andrestore thatlegendary era! As the saying goes, "Rome was not builtin a day",how much larger rivals in the woods, and create aglorious RomanEmpire, choice is yours!       Game Features:      1. The Roman Empire, thestrongrespect, the empire of the road where you hand controlbythe.      2 powerful generals candominatea war to win with fewer fights in the game to beperfectreproduction.      3 strong science andtechnology,with many arms, to find their own space to play, toexperience thefun of the war.      4 Alliance is acampaignindispensable part of the mainland, contact your allies, tothepinnacle of success and glory.      5 special inter-servicepvpserver, a number of experts gathered, who is the highestimperialking.      6 Powerful equipmentsystems,huge props system equipment to strengthen, the bestequipment inhand, the world I have.      7 sound notification system,theupgrade is completed, the enemy struck, time for your interestin avariety of important news.      8 beautiful game screen,theRoman architectural style forceful dignified, not only reflectsthecombination of gorgeous and sedate atmosphere, but also maketheplayers understand the wisdom of the Romans.     Customer Service QQ: 2475197545     Official microblogging: http://weibo.com/lmdgwb officialmicrobloggingis now open to the users attention!
Clash Islands 1.3.20160808.1750
iFree Studio Limited
Clash Islands is a mobile game that combinesthe strategy and RPG elements of Kingdom Sieges around a fantasytheme. A unique oceanic world developed using Unity3D, itsinnovative gameplay immerses players in the growth experience ofRPGs, while at the same time focuses on the depth of strategygameplay. This game is both the most casual, and the most cruelmobile game of Kingdom Sieges.Core Gameplay:Crawl dungeons to gain resources and equipment that aid herogrowth. Invade cities on the world map to raid resources and obtainpets. Collect gears and evolve a variety of pets. Along withequipment upgrading, your strength will climb to new heights,speeding up your conquest.Feature Highlights:• RPG elements enrich early gameplay immersion: hero growth,equipments enhancement, obtaining and upgrading pets to provide amore fulfilling game experience.• Breathtaking 3D ocean view: Real-time battles with land, sea andair units for maximum intensity.• Rich and innovative Kingdom Siege gameplay: Command battles fromyour bastion, work from the shadows, or incite the people; plentyof strategic options for you to rule. Wage war and raid resourcesover 27 cities across the waters, with 40+ pets.Delve into rich social interaction: Supports voice chat, splashchats, and give out gifts to the whole server.
掌上水浒 1.0.0
iFree Studio Limited
カルテット クロニクル 1.4.9
iFree Studio Limited
ゲーム紹介華麗なるカードゲームいよいよ登場!!!魔幻風満々!普段かわいい画風に飽きちゃうなら、ヨーロッパやアメリカの画風に体験しましょう!プレーヤーたちが手中のカードを組み合わせて最強のデッキを作って強敵に直面する!陣営によってカードの属性は4種類に分かれている、各種類には鮮明な特徴が持つ以外、各カードにも異なる技能を持つ!!!伝統的な技能以外はさらにBOSS戦、迷宫、盗賊、勢力戦などのオリジナル的な要素が満ちています!■派手なカード陣営!■カードはゲーム内各領域に巧みに配置されていて、関所、迷宮、盗賊、カードパック……そのうちある極上のカードは、運によって獲得しかできない!だから四国の世界で、お金も万能じゃないんだ!■楽しいメインストーリー!■数百のステージはそれぞれ異なるストーリー関所と対応して、新しい魔幻の旅を体験できる。各関所は3種類の難易度を持っていて、難易度はほど高く必要の関門を突破条件は同様に酷い。また、隠してる関所も待ってます!■迷宮には宝がある!■各ステージを一つ一つクリアすると、経験値や金貨の他、カードを効率よく入手することができます!各迷宮では一日に一回無料でリセットできます、チャンスを逃しないよう!■魔神ウォー(レイドボス)!■世界を滅ぼすだけを目的にする魔神が頻繁に出現する事によって大陸全体が危機に瀕している、急いで魔神を討伐する行列に参加し、万人規模の戦いを体験しょう!■闘技場でマッチバトルや勢力戦が■闘技場では自分が育てたカード、ルーンで組み合わせたデッキを使ってマッチバトルやランキング戦、勢力戦に参加して、強い相手と競争しましょう!!!勝つともちろん報酬がいっぱい!!!Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QuartetChronicleTwitter: https://twitter.com/QuartetChroniclGames InfoFinally appeared card game Brilliant! ! !Mamaboroshi-fuMitsuru people! If you get bored in a cute styleofpainting everyday, let's experience the style of painting inEuropeand America!Face a formidable enemy by creating a deck of thestrongestplayers in combination of a card in hand!Attribute of the card is divided into 4 types according tocamp,except that it has a clear aspect, with different skills toeachcard for each type! ! ! Original elements manner BOSSwar,Labyrinth, thieves, and forces of war have filled more skillthantraditional!■ flashy card camp! ■The are arranged skillfully in the game each area, the cardbarrier,labyrinth, thieves, some of the finest of which card pack... canonly win by luck card! So in the world of Shikoku, money'mnotalmighty!■ fun main story! ■Stage of several hundred in response to the story barrierdifferent,I can experience the journey of new Mamaboroshi. Youhave adifficulty level of three, break through the terribleconditions inthe same way the barrier of need as high as thedegree of difficultyeach barrier. In addition, the barrier that ishidden also wait!■ there is a treasure in the maze! ■When you clear one one each stage, in addition to the gold coinsandexperience, you can get efficiently card! You can reset in onefreeday, lest you miss the opportunity in each maze! ■ Genie War (Reidobosu)! ■The entire continent is at stake by the Genie to the purposeandonly destroy the world appears frequently, participate in matrixtosubdue the Genie in a hurry, and you'll experience the battleofthousands!■ In the arena force against a match or battle ■Join rankings game match or battle, the forces against usingthecard that you have raised, the deck that were combined in arune,let's compete with strong opponents in the arena! ! !Remunerationis full of course I win! ! !Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QuartetChronicleTwitter: https://twitter.com/QuartetChronicl
Magic Realms-Español
iFree Studio Limited
Época Mágica es un juego Estratégicogratuitode TCG. Equipa tu baraja con más de 200 cartas y runas ylidera tuequipo a la victoria final. Juega con tus amigos y desafíaa losdemás para obtener el título más fuerte. Refuerza Monstruos yRunaspara desbloquear sus potencias. ¡Únete a la Alianza del Norteylucha contra Imperio Escarlata para restablecer la paz entrelosReinos Mágicos! ¡JUEGA AHORA!CARACTERÍSTICAS:-Más de 500 cartas diferentes para seleccionar-Más de 80 misiones y laberintos para explorar-Reforzar cartas y runas para una baraja más fuerte-¡Recompensa Diaria del Inicio Sesión!-Lucha con otros jugadores en PVP-Batalla entre Ejércitos-Guerra Elemental-Hidra-El Árbol Mundial-Invasión del Diablo
奥运猜想 1.0.2
iFree Studio Limited
三國英雄傳 1.3.5
iFree Studio Limited
☆☆☆☆ 遊戲簡介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手游運營與開發商傾力打造 ★★★★《三國英雄傳》是一款由慕和網路耗時兩年精心打造的三國題材SLG類型手遊巨作,遊戲支援多人同時線上,集互動交友、英雄培養、戰爭策略等流行元素於一身。其畫面唯美、劇情緊湊、玩法多樣,讓初入三國的玩家欲罷不能流連忘返。☆☆☆☆ 遊戲特色 ☆☆☆☆【畫面好,系統精】著名畫師完美闡釋東漢末年的真實場景,而單人戰役、多人副本等經典系統讓你流連忘返。【操作易,門檻低】遊戲設計考慮到安卓用戶習慣,操作簡單,上手容易,即使是菜鳥玩家也可跟著教程入門。【男將威,女將美】魏蜀吳及他國全面覆蓋,千名史實武將紛紛登場,並可將孫尚香、大小喬等美女招入麾下。【兵種多,策略高】獨具三國風采的兵種,特色鮮明且相互克制,結合科技、結盟等內容催生最策略戰鬥體系。【人氣高,P K 爽】暢銷多國成功積累了數萬人氣,玩家間PK戰爭所獲取的功勳點數還可兌換本陣營極品武將。
Tap Legend™ 1.3.1
iFree Studio Limited
"An ancient fiend has broken loose the bindofhis seal. The Azarath world was ravaged by fire because ofhisawakening, so you have to travel to a new continent and regainyourstrength. The heroic legend starts from here!Imagine 100 armies actually fight a death-match together. Youcanmanage dozens of skills, more than 100 kinds of units, andtalentedheroes of many races to form your unique legion. Combiningyourheroes, units, formations and tactics flexibly to achieverenownedvictories!The world might be shifted by your very slight interference.Arm yourself and join the epic war!************************************************************Game Features★Easy to begin; Hot girls show you how to play the game★Most creative and stylish game designing★Pretty sweet maids for your diversified needs★Monsters and stages withstand repeated challenges★More than 100 heroes waiting for you to conquer and recruit★The combination of more than 100 units and variousheroskills★Colossal equipment and upgrading system★The epic war for 100 players that you have never experienced************************************************************"
怪物猎手 1.2.1
iFree Studio Limited
"☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手机运营与开发商倾力打造★★★★★★★★ 战争策略与宠物养成完美结合的新产物★★★★《怪物猎手》是一款以西方魔幻为背景,融策略、养成等元素为一身的多人互动手机网络游戏。游戏除了拥有丰富的战术策略,自由的宠物养成,还以高清的画质特效、人性的任务系统等特点让玩家获得最为完美的娱乐体验。☆☆☆☆ 游戏优势 ☆☆☆☆万人互动,成就无冕之王——结识好友,战斗帮助可获50倍经验加成,挑战好友,过关斩将终成无冕驯龙王。千色画质,渲染魔幻题材——1024色的像素支持,绚丽夺目的技能特效,展现出一个美轮美奂的西方魔幻世界。百种宠物,提供自由养成——存在超过100种能力迥异的宠物,通过家园系统能最终培养出个性化的超强战宠。三重任务,畅享旅途乐趣——随机任务、主线任务、每日任务,帮助深入剧情的同时领取报酬,令旅途更平坦。☆☆☆☆ 关注我们,获取更多精彩活动及更新 ☆☆☆☆官方网站:www.masterofdragon.com官方论坛:http://bbs.masterofdragon.com新浪微博:weibo.com/masterofdragon""☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆,Aboutthe Game★ ★ ★ ★ excellent global mobile phone operator anddevelopereffort to build ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ war strategy and pets to develop theperfectcombination of new product"Monster Hunter" as a background to Western Magic,financialstrategies, to develop elements for a multiplayerinteractivemobile network games. Games in addition to tacticalstrategy, freepet raising, also allows players to get the mostperfectentertainment experience with HD quality special effects,humantask system characteristics.Game advantage ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆People interact, the uncrowned king of achievement- Get to know friends, fighting to help will receive 50 timestheexperience bonus, challenge friends through the trialsandeventually became uncrowned How to Train Your Dragon King.Thousand color quality, rendering magic theme- 1024 pixel color support, the eye-catching special effectsskills,showing a magnificent Western magic world.One hundred kinds of pets, providing the freedom todevelop- The presence of more than 100 kinds of different pet ability,thethe homeland system will eventually cultivate a personalizedsuperbattle pet.Triple tasks, enjoying the journey fun- Random tasks, the main quest, daily tasks, to help get paidwhilein-depth plot, make the journey more flat.☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Follow us to get more exciting activities and update ☆☆☆ ☆Official Website: www.masterofdragon.comOfficial forum: http://bbs.masterofdragon.comSina microblogging: weibo.com / masterofdragon'
Vampire War - Português 1.0.1
iFree Studio Limited
Durante incontáveis séculos, vampirosestãoreinando o mundo mortal.Houve um desafio - Lupines ou lobisomens, assim chamadospelosmortais, lutaram por séculos contra os vampiros e após auniãodestes, venceram a guerra pelo domínio do mundo.Depois da vitória, os vampiros se dividiram em três seitascomfilosofias diferentes. E quando bruxos e lobisomensdescobriramessa separação, a guerra recomeçou.Meu príncipe, minha história terminou. Agora, depende devocêpara restabelecer a ordem nesse mundo sombrio e devolver odomínioaos vampiros. Lute, conquiste e reine!Nesse jogo você conquista castelos, faz aliados eadquiresubordinados, tudo depende de como você monta suaestratégia.Cumpra suas missões e lute pelo seu clã!CARACTERÍSTICAS:- Jogo online para múltiplos jogadores (MMO) disponívelparaAndroid- Divirta-se com lindos gráficos e emocionantes batalhas combelasanimações.- Atualizações grátis com novas missões, habilidades, escravosemuito mais!- Reforce o sua Seita e recrute poderosos heróis comdiferenteshabilidades!- Batalha contra heróis lendários, você pode até mesmorecrutá-lospara lutar por você!- Sistema de batalha de equipe permite que você se junte àguerraépica de centenas contra centenas!- Traga seus amigos para sua Seita para torná-la mais forte- Execute inúmeras missões das trevas- Capture itens raros e ganhe habilidades- Receba atualizações em tempo real- Sistema de chat em tempo real- ... E muito, muito mais!For countlesscenturies,the reigning world vampires are mortal.There was a challenge - Lupines or werewolves, so calledbymortals, for centuries fought against the vampires and aftertheunion of these, won the war for world domination.After the victory, the vampires were divided into threesectswith different philosophies. And when witches and werewolvesfoundthis separation, the war resumed.My prince, my story ended. Now, up to you to restore orderinthis dark world, and return the area to vampires. Fight,conquerand reign!In this game you conquer castles, make allies andsubordinatesacquires, all depends on how you ride your strategy.Fulfills itsmissions and fight for your clan!FEATURES:- Multiplayer online game (MMO) available for Android- Enjoy beautiful graphics and exciting battles withbeautifulanimations.- Free updates with new missions, abilities, slaves, andmore!- Reinforce your Seita and recruit powerful heroes withdifferentabilities!- Battle against legendary heroes, you can even recruit themtofight for you!- Team battle system allows you to join the epic waragainsthundreds of thousands!- Bring your friends for their sect to make it stronger- Perform numerous dark missions- Capture rare items and earn skills- Get real time updates- System real-time chat- ... And much, much more!
삼국스타일 1.1.4
iFree Studio Limited
■ 배경스토리동한말기, 황제가 옳고 그름을 구분하지 못하고 환관을 총애한다. 이에 동탁이 내시권력을 가지고 횡포를 일삼고,전국각지에서는 도적들이 끊이질 않았다.이에 난세의 영웅들이 전국 곳곳에서 나타난다. 왕윤이 여포와 결탁하여 미인계를 통해 동탁을 살해하고 조조가관도전쟁에서원소를 물리치고 북쪽지방을 통일하였다.그 후 조조가 박망파에서 제갈량의 교모한 전략에 패배를 당하고, 남쪽지방을 통일시키려는 웅심을 잠시접어두게된다.일년 후 조조가 백만대군을 거느리고 남쪽을 점령하기 위해 전쟁을 일으켰으나 촉오연합군에 의해 적벽에서 대패를 당하게된다.이 적벽대전으로 인해 주유의 이름이 전 세상에 널리 알려지게 되고 천하는 일시적인 평화를 가지게되는데...■ 게임특색◎ 기존 다른 삼국지게임 보다 더욱더 많은 장수들이 있습니다.◎ 많은 친구들과 연합하여 강대한 적과 전투할 수 있습니다.◎ 화려한 게임화면과 플레이어 모두 자신만의 건물양식을 가질 수 있습니다.◎ 독특한 건물양식을 자유롭게 선택하여 건설할 수 있습니다.◎ 특색있는 다양한 시스템으로 새로운 게임방식으로 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.◎ 많은 선물세트는 유저들이 빠르게 성을 발전시키는데 큰 도움이 될 것입니다◎ 삼국지스타일의 일일퀘스트로 삼국지에 더욱 빠져들 것입니다.◎ 매일 로그인으로 다양한 선물을 받을 수 있습니다.◎ 눈을 즐겁게 하는 실감나는 전투장면◎ 독특한 투기장 시스템으로 당신의 무장을 천하에 이름을 알리게 합니다.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------삼국STYLE 공식카페http://cafe.naver.com/3style
Arcane Magic -Sammelkarten RPG 1.7.2
iFree Studio Limited
Erlebe die fantasitische Welt desKartenspiels!Arcane Magic ist ein KOSTENLOSESMMORPG-Sammelkartenspiel mitfesselnder Geschichte. Ein sehrbeginnerfeundliches Spiel, erlernees in nur 5 Minuten! Doch um eszu meistern benötigt es vieltaktisches Geschick.Preisträger des nord-amerikanischen Top 10 Mobilegames! UndeineFangemeinde mit über 3 million Spieler!Exklusiv für die deutsche Spielewelt optimiert,mitweiterentwickelten Funktionen und Fähigkeiten von Karten.Erlebedie neue deutsche Arcane Magic 2014!Spiele zusammen mit hunderttausenden Spielern online,sammelelegendäre Karten und entfessle ihre ultimative Kraft! Gründedeineigenen Klan und erobere die Welt von Arcane Magic!Beweise dich, und werde der Meister der deutschenZauberwelt!*****Features*****-Speziell für deutschsprachige Spieler optimiziert, miteignemdeutschen Server!-Unterschiedlichen Karten- und Runenrassen, ermöglichstäußerstvaiantenreiche Kämpfe mit unzähligen Kombinationen-Unzählige Karten mit fantastischen Zeichnungen undfesselndeStory-Direkten PVP Kämpfe gegen anderen Spieler, um der beste SpielerinArcane Magic zu werden-Klan vs. Klan Kämpfe, um Ruhm, Schätze und Belohnungenzuergattern-Weiterentwicklung von Karten um ihren stärksten Fähigkeitenzuentfesseln.*****Kommentar von US Spielern*****-Surprising. Never been into card based games. This is fun,lovelyvisuals-Great gameplay! I really love how the game teaches you, simpleandto the point! I live the art style and commentarybetweencharacters. Overall favorite game out if all 22 of myhameapps!-This game provides a perfect blend of casual card playing whileatthe same time adding a unique twist to the way you play. Deservesa5 star.******Note*****-Eine Internet-Verbindung wird benötigt.Wir heißen alle neuen Spieler des Arcane Magicswillkommen!Facebookseite: https://www.facebook.com/arcanemagicdeExperience the worldoffantasitische card game! Arcane Magic is a FREE MMORPG tradingcardgame with a compelling story. A very beginnerfeundliches game,itwill learn in 5 minutes! But to master it, it requires a lotoftactical skills.Winners of the North American Top 10 Mobile Games! And a fanbasewith over 3 million players!Exclusive to the German Games World optimized withadvancedfeatures and capabilities of cards. Enjoy the new GermanArcaneMagic 2014!Games online along with hundreds of thousands of players,collectlegendary cards and unleash their ultimate power! Reasonsyour ownclan and conquer the world of Arcane Magic!Prove yourself, and become the master of German magic world!***** Features *****Specially for German speaking players Processor is to optimize,witheignem German Server!-Unterschiedlichen Cards and runes breeds, ermöglichstextremelyvaiantenreiche struggles with myriad combinations-Countless Cards with fantastic drawings and captivatingstory-direct PVP battles against other players to be the best playerinArcane Magic-Klan Vs. Clan fighting to get hold of glory, richesandrewardsEvolution cycle of cards to unleash their strongest abilities.***** ***** Comment from US players-Surprising. Never been into card based games. This is fun,lovelyvisuals-Great Gameplay! I really love how the game Teaches you, simpleandto the point! I live the art style and commentary inbetweencharacters. Overall favorite game out if all 22 of myappshame!-This Game Provides a perfect blend of casual playing card whileatthe same time adding a unique twist to the way you play. Deservesa5 star.****** Note *****-An Internet connection is required.We welcome all new players of the Arcane Magics welcome!Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/arcanemagicde
神々の戦い 1.1
iFree Studio Limited
「神々の戦い」はオンライン(MMO)シミュレーションゲームです。人気のシミュレーションゲームはつい日本語に対応!!!待望の「神々の戦い」日本語バージョンはandriodに登場!!!ストーリはエムロスという神秘や伝説に囲まれた大陸にあった。古くからヒューマン、エルフ、そしてオーク三種族はお互いにこの大陸で戦いを続けた。今、悪魔軍団の侵入により、情勢はさらに悪化し...あなたは若い君主として、城を引き継いだ。さらに発展を遂げ、覇権をかけて激しい戦いを繰り広げる君主の一員になって!数々の伝説中の英雄たちと出会い、そして彼らを募集します。さらに、種族最強の守護獣を呼び起こせ!あなたは孤独じゃない、たくさんの友達と出会い、彼らと最強の同盟を組もう;エムロス大陸を制覇する君主を目指せ!必ず悪魔軍団に勝ち、偉大で栄光あるこのエムロス全土に城を築いていこう!ゲーム特徴:-小容量アプリで気軽にダウロードしていただけます。- チュートリアルによって3分間でゲームの操作を身につける。- 難易度多様なクエストが盛りだくさん。- クォリティなグラフィックが戦争をダイナミック再現。- クエスト、アドオン、英雄そのほかのコンテンツも無料でアップデートできちゃう。- ほかのプレーヤをリアルタイムで挑戦できる。- 三大種族ヒューマン、エルフ、そしてオークは兵士、英雄、守備獣それぞれ異なる。- 建造、研究、軍隊の訓練、攻撃するか、防御するかすべてあなたの命令次第。- 他のプレーヤーと最強の同盟を組める。- ソーシャル機能満載!各チャットチャンネルとコミュニティで他のプレーヤーと情報交換できちゃう。
월드오브몬스터 1.0
iFree Studio Limited
■게임스토리2012년, 지구에 지진과 해일이 빈번하게 발생했다. 온 대륙은 바다에 잠기었고, 인류의 문명은 멸망에 이르게되었다.지구상 1% 인구만이 미리 건설된 해저터널에 보내졌고, 지구상의 재난이 지나간지 50년, 생존자들이 해저터널을떠나새로운 문명을 찾기위해 대륙을 찾아 나섰다.불과 50년지 지났을 뿐인데 지구상에는 다른 유일한 현명해 보이는생물체가살고 있었고, 이 새로운 생물체를 "몬스터"라 불렀다. 그들은 야수와 같은 강한 힘, 추한 외모를 가져 의학에서는환경이맞지 않을 것으로 보아 곧 사망한다고 발표했지만,전혀 생활에 지장이 없어보였다. 게다가 피를 주식으로 삶으며밤에도시야를 확보할 수 있는 뛰어난 종족이였다. 인류는 이들에 비해 그들보다 너무 약해 보였다. 그 당시에 여전히보호소의남아있는 식량과 무기로 저항을 할 수 있었는데, 앞으로의 인류는 어떻게 될 것인지...■ 게임특색최강의 몬스터로 육성하여 이 세계를 지배하라!* 거대한 몬스터를 무찔러라!수백명이 전투하는 이곳 몬스터월드에선 거대한 몬스터가 등장합니다. 수백명의 유저들과 함께 공격하여 희귀 아이템을 얻을수있습니다.* 다양한 퀘스트,이벤트감동적인 퀘스트서부터 노력을 요하는퀘스트.깜짝 놀랄만한 퀘스트등기존의 게임들과 확연한 차이를 주는 퀘스트 직접 경험해 보세요~!* 500가지가 넘는 아이템과 수많은 몬스터* 종족을 뛰어넘는 유저들과의 치열한 전투. 랭킹경쟁그밖에 클랜경기장과 사제관계.동반자.하인을 고용하여 팀플전을 통해 더욱 강력한 몬스터로 거듭 태어날수있습니다.=======================================iFree게임과 친구가 되어주세요~■ 트위터: http://www.twitter.com/iFreegamecenter■ 페이스북: http://www.facebook.com/iFreegame■ 공식카페: http://cafe.naver.com/worldofmonster
怪物猎手 - 简体中文 1.0.1
iFree Studio Limited
"☆☆☆☆ 游戏简介 ☆☆☆☆★★★★ 全球卓越的手机运营与开发商倾力打造★★★★★★★★ 战争策略与宠物养成完美结合的新产物★★★★《怪物猎手》是一款以西方魔幻为背景,融策略、养成等元素为一身的多人互动手机网络游戏。游戏除了拥有丰富的战术策略,自由的宠物养成,还以高清的画质特效、人性的任务系统等特点让玩家获得最为完美的娱乐体验。☆☆☆☆ 游戏优势 ☆☆☆☆万人互动,成就无冕之王——结识好友,战斗帮助可获50倍经验加成,挑战好友,过关斩将终成无冕驯龙王。千色画质,渲染魔幻题材——1024色的像素支持,绚丽夺目的技能特效,展现出一个美轮美奂的西方魔幻世界。百种宠物,提供自由养成——存在超过100种能力迥异的宠物,通过家园系统能最终培养出个性化的超强战宠。三重任务,畅享旅途乐趣——随机任务、主线任务、每日任务,帮助深入剧情的同时领取报酬,令旅途更平坦。☆☆☆☆ 关注我们,获取更多精彩活动及更新 ☆☆☆☆官方网站:www.masterofdragon.com官方论坛:http://bbs.masterofdragon.com新浪微博:weibo.com/masterofdragon"